We arean evidence based integrative and holistic medicine community. We believe you should never forget that your body has the power to heal itself. However, when allopathic medication (or surgery) is required, you can improve the quality of life with - you guessed it - natural therapies to manage unwanted side effects.


Explore the holistic treatment choices for any health topic or chronic condition. You’ll discover real world health outcomes reported by real patients, practitioners, and researchers. You can find published research, case studies, real world outcomes, and health articles from providers, and wellness plans to get transparency into the therapies.

You may know Evidence Based Integrative Medicine uses patient-centered care with focus on the whole person:mind, body and spirit. It is driven by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic and lifestyle approaches, healthcare professionals and disciplines to achieve optimal health.

We want you to find the answer for your question: “Which certain integrative therapy, provider or treatment will work best for my specific situation? Show me the evidence.”


We hope you find just that and can join the community of evidence based integrative medicine. And share the most important real world outcome of all - yours.

Ayurveda for Migraine

Acupuncture for Migraine


Ayurveda for PCOS

Acupuncture for PCOS

Diet therapy for PCOS


Ayurveda for IBS

Acupuncture for IBS


Ayurveda for Psoriasis

Acupuncture for Psoriasis

Ayurveda for Cancer Care

Acupuncture for Cancer Care

Diet therapy for Cancer Care

Ayurveda for Hypothyroidism

Ayurveda for Diabetes Type 2

Ayurveda for Pancreatitis